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News Releases

Showing 71-80 of 116 results

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New Hampshire and Arizona Enact IMLC Legislation

Washington, D.C. (May 12, 2016) – New Hampshire and Arizona became the latest states to adopt the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact when legislation was signed into law by New Hampshire

FSMB Elects New Officers and Board Members

Euless, Texas (May 3, 2016) – The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) House of Delegates elected new officers and board members during its annual business meeting Saturday in San Diego,

FSMB Announces 2016 Award Recipients

Euless, Texas (April 7, 2016) – The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) announced the recipients of its 2016 awards, which will be presented at the upcoming FSMB Annual Meeting in San
