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Cost and Fees


An initial application fee entitles the applicant to have a portfolio created and one profile sent to one recipient. The base fee is $395 for physicians. Additional fees may apply to cover costs incurred to collect examination transcripts, ECFMG certification (if applicable), and other miscellaneous verification fees.

Subsequent Profiles are forwarded upon request for a fee of $99 for physicians for each profile, plus applicable charges.

Additional physician profiles are available for $65 each when requested at the same time as an Initial or Subsequent Application.

Physician Assistants/Associates

Physician Assistant/Associate (PA) verifications do not require as extensive research as Physician verifications.  PA initial application fee entitles the applicant to have a portfolio created and one profile sent to one recipient. The base fee is $170 for PAs. Additional fees may apply.

Subsequent Profiles are forwarded for a fee of $65 for PAs for each profile, plus applicable fees.

Additional PA profiles are available for $65 each when requested at the same time as an Initial or Subsequent Application.

Other Fee Information and Policies

  • ECFMG Medical Education Verification Fee

A one-time fee of $75 is required for all international graduates for charges assessed by ECFMG to provide primary source medical education verifications to FCVS.

  • ECFMG Certification Status Report Fee (if applicable)

For applicants certified by ECFMG, an ECFMG Certification Status Report is included in each profile forwarded to a state board. This report is required by all state boards and is state-specific, proprietary, and valid for one year from issue date. A $66 fee is incurred for each state board designation.

  • NPDB Fee

Many state medical boards require physicians to supply an NPDB self-query report as part of the licensure process. This can add additional time and costs for both the physician and the board. Several state medical boards have designated FSMB as an authorized agent to request an NPDB report on their behalf; resulting in reduced time and costs. Each FCVS profile delivered to a participating board will include a unique one-time NPDB report. The non-refundable fee for this service is $3.50 for each report and is included in the FCVS invoice. Participating boards include:

Medical Board of California
District of Columbia Board of Medicine
Georgia Composite Medical Board
Medical Licensing Board of Indiana
Iowa Board of Medicine
Kansas State Board of Healing Arts
Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure
Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine
Maine Board of Osteopathic Licensure
Maryland Board of Physicians
Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine
Minnesota Board of Medical Practice
Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners
New Hampshire Board of Medicine
New Mexico Medical Board
North Dakota Board of Medicine
State Medical Board of Ohio
Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision
Oklahoma State Board of Osteopathic Examiners
Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners
Tennessee Board of Osteopathic Examination
Texas Medical Board
Virgin Islands Board of Medical Examiners
Virginia Board of Medicine
Wisconsin Medical Examining Board

Cancellation Policy

A significant portion of application processing occurs immediately after applications are received; therefore, no refunds will be granted after five business days or after a profile has been completed. In all cases of cancellation, a $50 processing fee will apply.

Self Designation

The Self designation is designed to accommodate those applicants who wish to establish their core credentials but have not yet chosen an entity to receive their profile. Applications are fully processed, and the applicant receives an electronic version of their FCVS Medical Professional Profile. Please note the self-designation profile does not include an ECFMG certification report or examination score transcript. Profiles sent to a state medical board may require these documents and additional fees may apply.

If you are forwarding your profile to a state board or other entity and wish to receive an electronic download of your completed profile, choose an additional self-designation (additional designation fee applies).


FCVS accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Payment is required within the online application. FCVS does not accept cash, check, money orders or cryptocurrencies. All credit cards must have a U.S. address associated with it to be accepted.
