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USMLE Eligibility Extension

If you need to extend your eligibility period, a one-time contiguous* 3-month extension is available. To request an extension, you must submit an eligibility extension request and $70 processing fee. Requests can only be submitted after your original scheduling permit is available and must be received no later than 25 days after the end of your original eligibility period. The $70 processing fee is non-refundable.

  • If you have an appointment scheduled:
    • You will need to cancel or reschedule with Prometric.
    • You will need to pay an appointment change fee to Prometric if your appointment is 45 or fewer days away.
    • See the USMLE website for more information. 
  • If you cancelled your appointment within 45 days of your scheduled testing dates:
    • You MUST CALL Prometric as directed on your scheduling permit.
    • You MUST pay the fee to Prometric to reinstate your eligibility record BEFORE you submit your request for an extension
  • If you did not test as scheduled:
    • You MUST CALL Prometric as directed on your scheduling permit.
    • You MUST pay the fee to Prometric to reinstate your eligibility record BEFORE you submit your request for an extension

To request an eligibility extension, log in to the FSMB USMLE site.

*Note: "contiguous" means that the start date of the eligibility extension immediately follows the end date of your eligibility period (e.g., if your eligibility period ends May 31, your extension will begin June 1).
